Learning to anticipate future events on the basis of past experience with the consequences of one's own behavior; behaviors are modified by the effect they produce (i.e., reward or punishment)
However, the major reinforcement learning-based theoretical models of classical conditioning (crudely, prediction learning) are actually based on rules designed to explain instrumentalconditioning (action learning).
Uso de operant conditioning em inglês
We don't want pets that have been sexualized through simple operantconditioning.
The operantconditioning chamber is a cornerstone of animal behavioral research.
The method used works on the principle of operantconditioning.
They leave the box black, the tangle of fuzzy logic and operantconditioning safely opaque.
Our results highlight usefulness of the operantconditioning method in measurement of the mouse visual temporal resolution.
Escalation of drug self-administration has emerged as a widely accepted operantconditioning model of excessive drug intake.
Changing the H reflex through operantconditioning leads to CNS multisite plasticity and can affect previously learned skills.
A tight schedule such as ours means we have to train you using the fastest form of operantconditioning: negative reinforcement.
Here we show for the first time that people can change the size of the soleus spinal stretch reflex through operantconditioning.
In the prefrontal cortex and throughout the striatum, both proteins were induced by food operantconditioning, but remained unaffected by passive food delivery.
He is the one who really codified what is now called OperantConditioning.